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Multi-year accessibility plan

The Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet Inc. strives to meet the needs of its employees and customers with disabilities and is working hard to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.

The Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet Inc. is committed to fulfilling our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. This accessibility plan outlines the steps we are taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.

Our plan shows how we will play our role in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians.

The plan is reviewed and updated at least once every 5 years.

We train every person as soon as practicable after being hired and provide training in respect of any changes to the policies

We maintain records of the training provided including the dates on which the training was provided and the number of individuals to whom it was provided.


Past Achievements to Remove and Prevent Barriers

The Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet Inc has completed the following accessibility initiatives.

Customer Service

Oxford Mills and their Beddington division stores are committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities. This plan is based on the principals of independence, dignity, integration, and equal opportunity.

We have provided training to our staff in communicating in a manner that takes a person’s disability into account and upon request, provide accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities

Our store policy has been updated to include allowing assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, etc. as well as welcoming service animals and support persons.

We provide notice of temporary disruptions to accessibility in the format of posted sign and other formats upon request.


Information and Communications

We have updated our policy to ensure staff communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disabilities.

We have set up feedback tools for our customers/visitors to comment, advise or ask about how we provide goods, services or facilities to people with disabilities in various forms

  • Speak directly to the store manager
  • Send and e-mail to [email protected]
  • Telephone 1-866-229-5668
  • Send a letter to :
Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet
425 Hespeler Road Unit 1C
Cambridge, ON N1R 6J2

upon request, we will provide documents in another accessible format, such as large print or braille.


When hiring new staff, Oxford Mills welcomes and encourages applications from all people including those with disabilities. We have updated our hiring process to include making available accommodations upon request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.


Oxford/Beddington stores provides training to all employees who deal with the public. This training has been provided to all current staff and has been added to the orientation program for new hires.

            Training included:

  • The purpose of the accessibility for Ontarians with disability act
  • Requirements of the customer service standard
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing goods and services at our stores
  • Our policy, practices and procedures relating to the provision of goods or services to people with disabilities


Strategies and Actions

Customer Service

The Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet Inc. is committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide goods, services and facilities to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others.

Our staff will continue to communicate in a manner that takes a person’s disability into account and upon request, provide accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities

We will continue to allow assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, etc. as well as welcoming service animals and support persons.

Oxford/Beddington management will continue to provide training to all employees who deal with the public. This training will be provided to new staff within the first week of their employment.

Training will include:

  • The purpose of the accessibility for Ontarians with disability act
  • Requirements of the customer service standard
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing goods and services at our stores
  • Our policy, practices and procedures relating to the provision of goods or services to people with disabilities

Staff will be trained when changes are made to this plan.

We continue to keep a record of all the training.

Information and Communications

The Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet Inc. is committed to making our information and communications accessible to people with disabilities. Our website was updated as of June 2021 to be made accessible to all persons with disabilities.

Our plan and policy is posted in store and on our website. It will be made available in other formats upon request.

Customers with disabilities are encouraged to ask Oxford/Beddington associates for assistance with any needs that may arise during their shopping experience. If the Oxford/Beddington associate is unsure how to best provide assistance, the associate will ask the store management for assistance.

We continue to welcome feedback on how we can improve our current service. We have set up feedback tools for our customers/visitors to comment, advise or ask about how we provide goods, services, or facilities to people with disabilities in various forms

  • Speak directly to the store manager
  • Send and e-mail to [email protected]
  • Telephone 1-866-229-5668
  • Send a letter to :
Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet
425 Hespeler Road Unit 1C
Cambridge, ON N1R 6J2


The Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet Inc. is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.

When hiring new staff, Oxford Mills welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities. We have updated our hiring process to include making available accommodations upon request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process. The Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet Inc. also, upon request makes any accommodations within our means to make the workspace more accessible to all staff with any form of disability.

For More Information

For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact at

  • Speak directly to the store manager
  • Send and e-mail to [email protected]
  • Telephone 1-866-229-5668
  • Send a letter to
Oxford Mills Home Fashion Factory Outlet
425 Hespeler Road Unit 1C
Cambridge, ON N1R 6J2

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